Welcome to Peter Eyre's Space

Thank you for joining my space. The world is truly a remarkable and beautiful place but somehow we have lost our direction. Why can't we all get on together and live in peace? Why so much agression and no compassion or love for each other? Why do our leaders want to wage war in order to gain an economic advantage in controlling the natural resources of our planet? Why do such nations as the USA allow the manufacturing of weapons containing uranium components and yet profess that they are promoting disarmament? Who do they, the UK, European Countries and Israel insist in using these WMD's. I sincerely wanted to welcome you all in such a very nice and gentle way but I carry so much pain for the innocent men, women and children of past and current war zones that have sucumbed to these evil uranium weapons. We must all try to prohibit DU/EU or any other "Dirty Weapon" and learn to live in peace. We in the west have to close all bases that exist on Islamic soil and learn to trade instead of fighting. So I again welcome you to "Peter's Space" If you support war in any shape or form please do not enter my space. If you are a Christian Zionist or Jewish Zionist please do not enter my space. If however you are against war and any form of intimidation you are most welcome to take over my space.

Saturday, 30 July 2011

Derby – A Centre for technology but for how long?

Derby – A Centre for technology but for how long?

Who caused this downturn – the Conservative and Labour Party

Last Saturday saw a massive protest rally in Derby where people from Derby, Derbyshire and other bordering counties turned out in their thousands to protest at the loss of yet another railway contract to a German company (Siemens).

Unfortunately once again although this has been very distressing news for this industrial city it has been used as a political football by the Labour Party and the Unions to try and force a change of government at the next election.

What both Gordon Bowden and I have discovered is that the true reason behind the demise of this once great city is as a direct result of massive corruption by the Conservative Party and to some extent the lack of action by the Labour Party who watched it all happen and did nothing.

If you were working for a large enterprise and its technological advancements were amongst the best in the world you would expect that in the event of a downturn or some other financial difficulty that your government would help it through difficult times, especially knowing that research and development for such products as Railway Trains and Coaches or Jet Engine Development can be extremely expensive.

But before we look at who is the blame for the partial collapse of this once great city lets look into its past. Derby and Derbyshire became the centre for the start of the Industrial Revolution and launched on a programme of very large cotton mills etc powered by water and steam.

On the very sight where today’s rally was held (the Derby Silk Mill and Industrial Museum) there once stood one of those earlier creations that propelled England into a new age…..The Derby Silk Mill as portrayed in the picture below. Some of the original structure still stands and this was one of several in the district that gave England much respect and prosperity around the world………… Some of my own relatives worked in such a mill.

Old Painting of Derby Silk Mill

One can see that today’s rally was a very fitting location for this rally as the picture below depicts, showing the crowds with the old mill to the right of the crowd.

Saturdays Rally alongside old mill

Four of the main industries that were the strength of Derby were the original Silk and Cotton Mills, the Railway Locomotive Works, Rolls Royce Aircraft Engine Division and the Qualcast Foundry. In Victorian days the mills and the railways were the pride of the city and Qualcast provided the huge castings of Iron & Steel for the railway and other industries. The latter name derived from the phrase of “Quality Castings” and was amongst the best in the world…..later came Rolls Royce who developed some very famous aircraft engines such as the one that power the first Trans Atlantic Flight and the famous Merlin and Griffon engines that powered the Spitfire and Hurricane

The first industry to collapse was the Silk & Cotton industry and then in 1969, Qualcast merged with Birmid and went on to become the largest foundry operation in the UK, surviving the recession of the early 80s. However, it went into voluntary liquidation in 2006.

Derby continued on with its British Railways Research Centre and its Train and Coach Design and Production lines…….these covered vast areas close to the city centre and employed many local people. The facilities produced many powerful Steam Engines which was also a local success story and again I had relatives working in this high tech industry.

Many new and innovative trains were designed here in Derby including the Advanced Passenger Train (APT) and the High Speed Train (HST) and the little known Magnetic Levitation (Maglev) Train designed by Prof Laithwaite of the Imperial College in London who set up a development stage in Derby.

One of the most advanced trains at the time was designed, built, tested and run on a test line between Derby and Duffield…..this train even today looks ahead of its time as shown below and was powered by Gas Turbines (jet engines).

Jet Powered APT at Derby R&D Centre

Then came the High Speed Train (HST) which is still running in many areas of the world and was again a very innovative product designed and built here in Derby as shown below:


However what could have turned out to be a major advancement for Derby was the establishment of the Magnetic Levitation design and test facility at the Railway Research Centre.

In the 1960s, Great Britain held the lead in Maglev research. British Rail set up a Maglev Experimental Centre at their Railway Technical Centre based at Derby. The world’s first commercial automated system was a low-speed Maglev shuttle that ran from the airport terminal at Birmingham International Airport to the nearby Birmingham International railway station from 1984 to 1995. Based on experimental work commissioned by the British government at the British Rail Research Division laboratory at Derby, the length of the track was 600 meters (1,969 ft), and trains “flew” at an altitude of 15 millimeters (0.6 in). It was in operation for nearly eleven years. The older Maglev is shown below with its replacement train and track which was cable driven.

You will note the track for the Maglev consisted of a centre plate with two outer rails which were used by the magnets…….the train once underway did not touch the track and one could see the technical values of this design i.e. less wear and tare and now wheels or boggy required……..at the time spares became difficult as the Maglev was no longer supported by the government and again we had a wonderful concept go under. Obviously streamlining would have come later and remember this was the worlds first ever Maglev.

Original Maglev at Birmingham Airport and its cable driven replacement

As the years went on we started to see and understand that having such high tech in Derby was not only becoming very expensive in the Research and Development (R&D) phase but also in the transition to full production and it became apparent that the government where simply not prepared to pump such vast sums of money into this effort……as we have seen so many times in our aviation industry with such things as the very advanced TSR2 military bomber.

In 1971 it became the turn of Rolls Royce to feel the pinch of very expensive R&D and had a major financial collapse…….as we all know aviation and air travel is a very up and down business with many airlines folding up from time to time and this applied much pressure on Rolls Royce.

However the then Prime Minister Edward Heath decided to bail them out, but at a price, it meant the sale of that other very prestigious division in automobiles. It was in 1973 that the government sold of the car division to VW and BMW and yet again a magnificent example of quality workmanship left our shores for Germany…….some aspects of those companies still existed in this country but on a very scaled down form and started to destroy the traditional quality and workmanship of England.

RR Trent Engine

Then came the Neocon Iron lady Maggie Thatcher who decided to return Rolls Royce (RR) back to the private sector in 1987 and later RR decided to split some of its engine production by joining forces with BMW to build smaller jet engines for smaller aircraft and executive jets…..they did retain the production of many advanced jets engines for both military and civil airliners with the RB211 series being the mainstay of its Derby facility, which remains to this day.

One has to say that in this case Rolls Royce went on to flourish and has a very steady order sheet in all sectors and so one could say that the government at the time did save this company.

However, one cannot say the same for British Rail which was the backbone of Derby and again we saw the axe start to fall as it was handed over to the private sector and many aspects sold off to overseas companies including the only large outlet currently in existence that of the Canadian company Bombardier. I personally think that the government should have stood behind British Rail in Derby as the products that came out of this wonderful facility were amongst the best in the world, in much the same way as Rolls Royce.

The major turning point in this country was Maggie Thatcher’s thirst for privatization of government assets and the strong lean to becoming part of what is now the European Union.

This was the start of the fall from grace of what was once the Railway Technology Centre of the World and is now in steep decline. Bombadier had already stated that it was reducing its workforce by around one thousand but then a major contract was released by the Conservative Government for tender around Europe and as one would expect we were undercut and the tender went to Siemens……..however Gordon Bowden and I have relentlessly attempted to show that the Conservative party, going right back to Thatcher days has been operating in a very fraudulent and corrupt way resulting in the corporate sector, banking sector and key political figures becoming involved in massive fraud amounting to billions of pounds per annum, not counting the tax evasion associated with these extremely corrupt deals.

So let’s very simply look at what has caused the demise of this country and in particular the demise of this city that was once the pride of the nation. You will clearly see that what Gordon and I have uncovered explains it all, but who you may say is interested in our findings?……absolutely no one…..not even the trade unions who profess to save their workforce from being laid off…..such is the state of all three main parties at the current time who have all been notified of our findings and sitting in the middle of all this massive fraud is the Serious Fraud Office who have done nothing to stop it happening as these corporate, banking and political gangster go about their shady work!!!

What I find ironic is the fact that for some weeks now our local MP Chris Williamson has been on the megaphone blasting the streets of Derby with his interpretation of the downfall of our railway industry but he fails to understand that his Labour Government put the final nail in the coffin when the then Prime Minister Gordon Brown put his final signature to the Lisbon Treaty and signed away our country forever. It was his PM that promised the people of this country that we would have a referendum on this final phase of the EU before he would go to Lisbon but he lied and from that moment on any tender for major works in this country now go out to the whole of Europe…….naturally there is an element of corruption involved as we have revealed so many times before and that goes for all parties.

Margaret Beckett speaking at rally in Derby

The final straw came yesterday when the other local MP Margaret Beckett did a Churchill type speech talking about the financial situation and the farming out of railway work etc……I simply wanted to throw up as it was Beckett and Williamson that received numerous briefs on the fraud of this country and did absolutely nothing…….it was their closely associated union General Secretaries who were also advised and did nothing.

I have found that Chris Williamson in particular always uses such situations to his own political advantage as does the leader of the Labour Party Ed Miliband and the senior members of his shadow cabinet who have all been briefed by Gordon Bowden and myself at an event held in Nottingham this year……….why don’t they understand that once the contract is let there is no going back without going back on the contract and suffering immense default payments.

You will see from the collection of photographs below the effort made by Gordon and I to inform the Shadow Government and finally the old mare herself at the bottom and her conniving partner Chris Williamson with another of his failed political figures, Bob Laxton (that Gordon had in his gunsights)……one should call all of these characters the “Rat Pack” as they have all failed in their duty as Members of Parliament and Failed our Country by not attempting to stop the massive corruption that has consumed our country!!

All of these politicians received our evidence and did nothing!!

Chris Williamson MP and his mate the failed ex MP Bob Laxton

“Yes Mr Laxton read our sign as it reveals massive fraud”

Margaret Beckett MP and Chris Williamson MP

The pair did nothing to stop the ongoing government corruption

Both these Members of Parliament were advised about another previous scam that was run by the Conservative Party when Sir Kenneth Warren and his much younger escort David Cameron went to South Africa to break the UN Sanction and illegally purchase three nuclear bombs (that they then lost) using tax payers money that had fraudulently been channeled via the private sector that many of the Conservative Elite had invested in. The Tory Party then had the audacity to siphon off £17.8 million of tax payer’s money into their own party funds and to this day no one has ever had to explain this……..if you do not believe me go to Hansard June 1993 and read from Column 197……..this matter was raised by Lord Doug Hoyle and by Margaret Beckett herself and still they did nothing……….let me just give you a comparison…..if you or I take even £20 from government funds we end up in prison…….they take £17.8 million and do not even have to account for it……..how’s that for justice?

Chris Williamson also failed to raise my concerns regarding the Chinook crash in which 29 of this countries best RAF pilots and Anti Terrorist Experts died. This was a government inside job and all died from gunshot wounds to the head………so much for another inquiry cover-up. Did I hear someone say that your local MP’s are there to serve you?……what an absolute joke!! Can you imagine that all those pictured above turned their backs on massive fraud in this country that amounts to billions of pounds each and every year……I guess you may be asking why?……maybe they also have a few skeletons in their closets!!

Why, you may, ask are they still allowed to remain in office? Because that’s how politics are run in this country……..once in office they don’t give a s—

Why am I angry you may ask?…….because the Conservative Party destroyed this country and the previous Labour Government helped add the final nails to the coffin………Derby, the once treasured technological centre of the world is slowly dying and they only jump on the band wagon after the event has happened…….they use all these sad events to their own selfish advantage and ignore the major issues that contributed to it………I would like to remind all those self righteous politicians that it was this city that played a major roll in saving this country from the claws of Germany with its engines that powered the Spitfire and the Hurricane and other military vehicles etc

The amount of people that turned out in protest was probably the biggest ever in this city since WW2 but to what avail?…………..the politicians are too busy brushing their own palms with gold or making sure they remain in office at the next general election. I would again as the same question……when was the last time we had a good and transparent government in office in this country?……………don’t even try to remember!!!

Rolls Royce powered Spitfire and Hurricane WW2 fighters – made in Derby

Peter Eyre – Middle East Consultant – 26/7/2011 www.eyreinternational.wordpress.com

The Oslo Bombing was a classic example of the west’s “ISLAMAPHOBIA”

32 year old Norwegian Anders Behring Breivik

Does this man look like an Islamic Terrorist?

When will we in the west stop pointing a finger for every incident that takes place on our shores?

When will the leaders stop getting carried away with great excitement every time there is an incident?

The answer is quite simple because they want us to believe that the streets of Europe and the US are unsafe and that Islamic Extremist are out to get us!!!! – Well folks it’s all a well orchestrated exercise to spread fear and hysteria amongst our respective populations in order to keep there “Invented Pretend War Against Terrorism.” – Yes you heard right its all part of this phoney game they have been playing out for well over a decade or so in order to keep there “Geo Political Plan Alive” and at the same time to change the laws of our country so that they then have ultimate control of their citizens……..the Patriot Act is a classic example.

So let’s just reflect on this terrible attack by a lone Norwegian man and how the story panned out when it first broke news…….I have to say the British Media and its handful of so called experts where rushed in the TV Studio’s to spread their “Verbal Diarrhoea” over our TV screen and yet again, like always, they got it absolutely wrong.

Before giving you the rundown on the many things that were said let just remind you all that no “Major Islamic Attack” has taken place anywhere in the US, UK or Europe in more recent times! If we go right back to 9/11, 7/7 and the Madrid bombings we will see a trail of deceit propaganda coming out from the lips of our Presidents and Prime Ministers, Foreign Minister, Defence Ministers, Intelligence Services and last but not least NATO itself. Almost all of the attacks or attempted attacks or foiled attacks have been very well orchestrated “False Flags”……….please understand their is no threat to the west from Islamic Countries……Al Qaeda does not and has not ever existed…….and Bin Laden died back in December 2001 in a hospital in Rawalpindi from kidney failure and the big one – “No Aircraft hit any building during the biggest false flag of all – that being 9/11.”

I would also go on to say that the current Mull of Kintyre – Chinook Inquiry (that rightfully so cleared the crew of all blame) was a false flag carried out by our own government and they all died from gunshot wounds to the head……but hey, you don’t have to believe me folks, just carry on watching your favourite TV programmes and let them take over your country and hand its sovereignty to some other super power!!

So let’s now look at “Islamaphobia” at work with a time line over the last 24 hours:

1800 reports of a bomb exploding in Oslo close to a government building that housed the Prime Ministers office – described as a car bomb.

From my perspective it did show a car but certainly not one that had a bomb of this size within……..and throughout events there was no attention paid to this car as one would normally expect i.e. securing the scene and getting forensic experts to look for vital evidence as soon as possible to determine the type of explosives and possible links etc.

My second observation would indicate that a bomb went off within the building as much of the glass and wooden interior were ejected out into the street with an internal fire giving a clue as to what floor it was housed in……obviously I am no expert and could be wrong but that’s my own belief……the frames and panels on the building also were showing signs of an explosion as opposed to and implosion!!

Both the BBC and Sky immediately went on the possible Al Qaeda theme as did many of their so called experts from Chatham House (New World Order Hub), Security Experts, and Academics etc.

1815 Russia’s RT said that preliminary reports say a car bomb was responsible and that other devices had been found that had not gone off…..there was again reference to Al Qaeda and on all channels reference was given to the Danish Islamic Cartoons etc.

1824 BBC started to cover the incident on the Island and again gave some Islamic reference by stating that there were many Pakistani’s living in Oslo and a large Muslim population with their own armed gangs!

1825 Another expert in the UK a Gordon Corera again talks about Islamic involvement and also talked about a Kurdish Iraq, Al Qaeda and that it had been a very sophisticated car bomb!

1830 An emphasis was placed another expert Bob Ayers from Chatham House who gave is own rundown on events and said that they would have to go over the car for traces of explosives to find out what type of bomb, the trigger mechanism i.e. mobile phone or whatever, the car serial number etc etc.

As I have already pointed out there was no attempt to look at the car and it became clear that it may not have been a car bomb that caused the immense devastation.

1840 The BBC start interviewing the hospital to try to find out if they have the body of a possible suicide bomber, from the car…….another assumption!

1842 BBC announce that the Oslo Police say there is a connection between the person on the island and the bomb in Oslo……this report was incredible because of the short timeframe from the bomb going off and the capture of the offender….again suspect.

The theme then suddenly changes on all channels into a possible well coordinated attack by an Islamic group!!

1850 Prior to this time there had been reference to the guy on the island as being dressed in a police uniform and was a tall, white blond headed man(typically Scandinavian).

1855 Sky again referred to this event starting off with a massive car bomb…….it was also around this time that the US President, William Hague and NATO started to offer their support.

1905 The Mayor of Oslo was also asked what he thought about the bomb outside the government offices……..still no mention at this time about a possible internal bomb!

1910 The offender on the Island is confirmed as being a male around 6 foot tall, white and blond.

1940 President Obama urged “Global Cooperation against Terrorism”……another unproven statement!!

2000 Sky reports that Oslo Police have confirmed that the offender is linked to the bomb in Oslo. They also indicated that it could be a Scandinavian man who converted to Islam!!

2054 Another so called expert (possibly American) was interviewed (Jonathan Paris) who is a Counter Terrorism Expert and stated that this guy could have been hired by an Al Qaeda Group!!

2103 Reports from the Police stating that this guy was sighted in Oslo near to the scene of the bombing.

2205 Oslo Police say they had found explosives on the island.

Soon after this Fox News in the US interviewed yet another expert Peter Neumann who again gave a Al Qaeda connection or a connection to an Islamic Group from Iraq!!

Back to the current time this morning the British Prime Minister said “I have offered British help including, through or close intelligent cooperation……We will work with Norway to hunt the murderers who did this and prevent anymore deaths.”……rather pathetic announcement considering that the Norwegian Authorities had already pretty well sewn this case up by this morning and again our PM gives a overtone of it being an attack from outside of Norway!!

The final “Verbal Diarrhoea” came from Fox News who stated “No one – Terrorism Expert or man in the street – will be surprised if the attacks are linked to Islamic Terrorist with additional reference yet again to Al Qaeda.

To confirm my theory on this whole event I tuned into the main channels in the UK to find that the entire theme has now changed into it being a single Norwegian man with ties to a right wing Christian Group or possibly a Neo Nazi Group…..the former appears to be the case.

So there you have it……..what do you believe?…….have you also succumbed to this brainwashing or are you taking a more logical approach into believing this was just another one off event with tragic consequences?

King Blair of Europe

So what is the bigger picture to all these events………..to form a United States of Europe?

Who will be its President – Possibly Tony Blair (after the Chilcot Inquiry has cleared this tarnished man)?

What did it cost the British people to have this “War Criminal” installed with his crown of office?

Maybe you have to ask that other British Traitor – Gordon Brown that question when he signed our country over to the EU at the Lisbon Treaty and then gave most of the gold bullion from the vaults of the Bank of England to the European Union at below cost price:

In 1998 the price was $256 US Dollars per ounce………it is now over $1,600 USD per ounce…….can you imagine that had we retained it just how much money we would have in our vaults?……….the Bank of England and the Reserve Bank in the US are both run by Zionists i.e. the Rothschild’s so maybe you are all starting to understand that the New World Order (NWO) does exist and how the jigsaw is all coming together.

Maybe this headline taken from the Sunday Times in April 2007 will bring it all home to you:

Gold Bullion Given Away by Gordon Brown to the EU

Brown lost £2bn selling UK’s Gold – GORDON BROWN is to face questions in parliament after revelations that he disregarded advice from the Bank of England before he sold off more than half the country’s gold reserves at the bottom of the market.

Another report in the Telegraph dated 24th March 2010:

Explain-why-you-sold-Britain’s-gold-Gordon-Brown-told – Gordon Brown has been ordered to release information before the general election about his controversial decision to sell Britain’s gold reserves.

Both Tony Blair and Gordon Brown are high ranking Freemason’s which forms part of the NWO as are many senior MP’s and many members of the House of Lords…..add to this dear old Ken Clarke who sat with royalty on the head table during Obama’s visit and maybe you are now starting to see the picture as to how the NWO works…….if you stand outside Chatham House and watch those that come and go you may also be able to add to this “Elite Group of Pontificators”….i.e. David Cameron, George Osborne, William Hague to name but a few.

In closing please understand that it does not matter which potential leader you vote for because they are all well groomed by the Rothschild’s and their Zionist offshoots in order for them to basically control world politics and move forward on their geo political master plan.

So there you have it…….I must apologise for drifting off the main theme (Oslo Bombing) from time to time but that’s how my mind takes me.

Just remember next time you pass Chatham House just take a glance who comes and goes and you will see for yourself!

Finally as usual one should not put aside the usual conspiracy theory that some believe is linked to this event. It again shows that prior to any major event an almost identical training exercise takes place such as in 9/11 and certainly in the case of 7/7 when four Muslim actors were hired and set up for what turned out to be a real happening…….the problem being that they could not have been on the tube at the time because the train they had to catch was cancelled……so you may ask what happened to them…….all four were shot by the Anti Terrorist Squad in Canary Wharf, London!!

The actual training exercise in Oslo (48 hours prior to the bombing)

In the case of the Norwegian bombing, the authorities were carrying out training in the event such an incident occurred. An exact drill focused around the same scenario, was being conducting near the Oslo Opera House just 48 hours before the terrorist blast that targeted the government building in Oslo. Maybe this exercise was part and parcel of this incident and possibly it didn’t work out the way they had planned…….so was this another “False Flag” that is not for me to say!!…..However I am sure that as a direct result of this tragic event the government will bring in more laws to restrict the liberty of the Norwegian people just like they have done in the US and the UK or alternatively between now and Monday try to find a link to an Islamic movement.

I feel that we in the west should offer our sincere apologies to the Islamic nations for taking this stance from the beginning and more importantly we should hang our heads in shame at the pathetic media coverage of this entire event and those experts that contributed to this propaganda and who by this morning had changed their story i.e. Gordon Corera (BBC Interview) etc……shame on you all…..you are rather pitiful.

Peter Eyre – Middle East Consultant – 23/7/2011 – www.eyreinternational.wordpress.com

Pandora’s Box – What happens when you expose massive fraud?

The Case of Richard Chang Part 3

Was Richard Murdered and were Kroll implicated?

I am deeply suspicious of events that took place the day that Richard Chang was aggressively interrogated by Kroll Security and the fact that having stood up to this long ordeal was then found dead at the bottom of the Atrium in the Abbey National HQ in London, having apparantely jumped to his death from the fifth floor.

Let’s just reflect again as to what Richard may have revealed and the location of this incident:

Many times when you are uncovering massive corporate fraud you expose yourself sometimes to ridicule and at other times to danger….such could have been the case with Richard Chang who may have exposed the wheeling and dealing within the original Abbey National Bank Empire situated at Number 2 Triton Square, Euston, London………that company was eventually taken over by Santander, a Spanish company.

The Abbey National Bank HQ in London was a substantial building of multi levels with an internal atrium. The picture below show the building after it was taken over by Santander.

Old Abbey National Building (Scene of the crime)

2 Triton Square , Euston, London

Luqman Arnold former head of Abbey National

Richard would have been aware of the many changes taking place right up to the takeover by Santander and would have been aware of a new upgrade of the computer system. It has been revealed that the company that was subcontracted to carry out the installation was being paid extremely well and yet the system had been criticised, by other third parties, as being sub standard and not actually capable of addressing the protection it was designed to cover.

There appears to be real cause for concern that Abbey National had succumbed to fraud prior to the takeover. From Santander’s point of view this was a very lucrative opportunity for the Spanish company to walk in and take over many city outlets and just change the external sign from Abbey to Santander. The other interesting observation is the fact that many of those in executive positions have moved on to other lucrative jobs and may well already be carrying out fraud in their new positions.

There are some issues that I find are more than just coincidence and I will now cover those issues:

Most Major Banks or Financial Houses have there own security staff and would normally investigate any possible internal fraud and then upon finding that fraud (which is a criminal offence), would hand the case over to the Police Fraud Office for further investigation………Having worked closely with the police I can assure you that this is normal practice……..in this case this was not done which would indicate that the Management of Abbey National may well have been involved in fraud……we will cover this aspect later.

The fact that Richard Chang was tricked into attending an interrogation without being offered a Union Representative or witness to be in attendance is strictly against bank protocol and certainly against Union Rules.

Having spent much time myself in Industrial First Aid and Ambulance I find it incredible that there was little blood at the scene of the body. If Richard was alive when he left the 5th Floor balcony there would have been excessive blood at the scene, especially the fact that his lobe had been badly fractured. It is my belief that Richard Chang was murdered within the building and that he was pushed over the balcony and that his blood circulation had in actual fact ceased as a direct result of is earlier murder.

We now understand that the management called in Kroll to carry out the interrogation of staff members and this immediately raised my own concerns knowing the background to this company. One expert refers to Kroll as aka CIA and were implicated in the 9/11 disaste……They have strong ties with Mossad and also just so happen to have extensive contracts with MI5, MI6 and the CIA as per their own announcement as per below. I have also been given confirmation from another high profile person that Kroll is CIA and that the above appears to be correct……so my question would be could it have been possible that MI5, CIA or Mossad were implicated……..after all in doing so they would be protecting their own and their financial fraud activities. The Director of Kroll made the following statement to confrim the above :

Michael G. Cherkasky, president and chief executive officer, said, “We are pleased to report record first quarter sales and operating income. Our performance was driven by continued strong growth in our Security Services business……….the definition of Security Services is described as follows:

Security Service (MI5) and the Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) in the United Kingdom, and the Central Intelligence Agency in the United States. It is also interesting to note that they are also contracted to Bank and Credit Card companies, Insurance and Consumer Finance companies, Stock Brokers, Investment Funds and some Government Enterprises………this total coverage would give Kroll incredible access to the workings of the financial sector and I am sure that Gordon Bowden ( who investigates possible fraud) would certainly have raised eyebrows over this company as I also have!!

I will reveal Kroll connections with 9/11 towards the end of this article.

Let’s now look at the major flaws that took place in the police investigation and the deeply suspect autopsy.

No one has challenged the cause of death even though the scene immediately after the fall was showing un characteristic signs………the gentleman that carried out the autopsy ( Dr. Freddie Patel) has in the past also been challenged on his findings. It should also be noted that the post mortem report described that on inspection, Richard had marks on his body…….why haven’t these marks been investigated?

Chang family support group

The Chang Family is sure that Dr. Freddie Patel did not do a thorough inspection and assessment. There has not been an independent forensic report done to date. The Coroner allowed inconclusive forensic evidence to be admitted at the Inquest.

I again repeat from my own extensive experience I find it hard to believe that if a person threw himself off a balcony in the way described there would certainly be excessive amounts of blood at the scene…….the fact that there was hardly any blood would indicate that he had been murdered at another location prior to going over the balcony ie his circulatory system had ceased. The other issue is what were these other marks on his body?

Why did the officer in charge of the inquiry accept the word of an ex senior police officer (Howard Jones )in his conclusion without obtaining the full details himself ie totally independent of someone that was involved with Kroll and could be considered a suspect? This is strictly against police protocol!

Why did the police investigators not obtain the original tape of the Richard Chang interview…….this again is strictly against police protocol!

Shortly after Richard died Abbey National plc was taken over by the Banco de Santander, a Spanish banking group. The Metropolitan Police only began taking witness statements from key witnesses on 21st July 2004. Howard Jones gave a brief witness statement on 29th July 2004 and Peter Pender-Cudlip did not give a witness statement until 3rd August 2004. Most of the people involved in selecting Richard and Vincent for interrogation had left Abbey. Some Abbey employees who gave witness statements to the police were ‘restructured’ out of a job. Priscilla Vacassin now works for Prudential Insurance and Luqman Arnold presently works for the FSA. Stephen Hester moved to British Land PLC and then RBSnd Peter Pender-Cudlip subsequently left Kroll and set up his own company called GWP. Lord Burns is chairman of both Abbey National Bank PLC and Marks and Spencer PLC.

Something strange going on here!! How come the IPCC have done nothing about this?

I came across an interesting article by David Noakes who in my opinion hit the nail on the head when he made the following statement:

The Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) went from assets of plus £88 billion in 1999 to estimated liabilities of minus £1.3 trillion in 2009 – equal to a year’s income (GDP) for the whole of Great Britain. If Directors with mental disabilities had been appointed, they might have reduced the bank’s value by half. But to utterly destroy it on so stupendous a scale took real knowledge and determination.

It seems clear the wholesale mismanagement and corruption of banks by their directors was not unbelievable incompetence, but criminal. The government huffs and puffs at bonuses and pensions paid as a reward for failure, but then in every case it lets those corrupt payments, totaling billions of pounds, stand without passing legislation to confiscate. It looks as though these huge bonuses and pensions were intentionally paid to compensate directors precisely for destroying their own banks, and for a job well done.

He went on to say the following regarding Abbey National:

But take the case of Abbey National. In July 2004 their risk management officer, Richard Chang, was objecting that the run down of the bank by directors was deliberate (it resulted in the Bank’s ownership being transferred to a European Bank, Santander.) The HBOS whistleblower alleged the same.

The courts, CPS, coroner, FSA, directors and police have closed ranks to prevent a criminal prosecution or investigation. These services all have large numbers of freemasons in their senior structures.

High ranking Freemasonry runs right through this banking crisis. All the failed banks, Northern Rock, Abbey, RBS, Halifax Bank of Scotland (HBOS) had Freemasonry controlling their boards. Gordon Brown is a 33rd degree Scottish Rite Freemason, as was Tony Blair; there are 400,000 of them in Britain.

Gordon and I certainly agree with David Noakes, especially in regard to the Courts, Coroner, FSA, Directors and Police, especially the Serious Fraud Office…..we both have continuously exposed massive fraud with forensic evidence produced by Gordon Bowden and all information/evidence has been passed on to Politicians, Political Parties, Serious Fraud Office and the local police……they are so arrogant they do not even reply to the claims made and even refuse to take recorded statements under oath. Having said that we must fully understand that this goes well beyond what David Noakes has reported…….this is how the New World Order operates and how they fund their huge organization……they are answerable to no one!!

In conclusion one would assume that even had Richard written the report regarding fraud etc then one would assume that in any company the case would have been handed over to the police for further investigation….. obviously in this case there may have been fraud actually taking place and so the company decided to remove Richard and blame it on suicide. I did promise you a rundown of Kroll and the 9/11 disaster and as you can see its is not exactly a company that you would recommend to anyone.

It is important for the general public to stand behind the relatives of Richard Chang and insist that this case be re opened and a full and proper investigation takes place. It is imperative that the original police investigation team be called forward to be cross examined and especially Howard Jones the ex Policeman who relentlessly interrogated Richard Change.

I would further suggest that the Change family demand that this case be processed through the court system under Common Law Jurisdiction Jury (12) and allow true democracy to take place and let the jury decide who is telling the truth…….that is our constitutional right and we owe this to Richard Chang who had no reason whatsoever to commite suicide (in their words only)……..but then again how many people have left this world in very suspicious circumstances……to name but a few……Lady Diana, Dr. David Kelly, Robin Cook, Greater Manchester Police’s Chief Constable Michael Todd, Christopher Shale, head of Oxfordshire Conservative group (not such a close friend of Mr Cameron) and more recently Sean Hoare, a former News of the World employee who said Andy Coulson “encouraged” phone-hacking………as you can see when you expose anything potentially significant against the political elite your days are numbers………..I am sure Gordon Bowden and I are well up the same list!!

I encourage people to respond to this article or duplicate it and plaster it in any outlet possible……it is only by public involvement will the truth ever come out as a direct result of pressure by “People Power”

Oh by the way there is also a connection between Arlington Associates at 22 Arlington Street and Kroll……one of there Directors, ALDWIN J G WIGHT: ex SAS Commander 22 Squadron, Kroll Group, Commander OMAN Special Forces spent considerable time working for Kroll in Iraq which as you know was the place where billion of dollars just simply went missing.

However, there was another skeleton in the closet by the name of Mark Blagborough who fits in with Aldwin JG Wight perfectly……I have decided to let Gordon Bowden explain his activity in his own words:


I explained in the Pandora’s Box series the links to Conservative Party Political Scandals.

How, vis the web site of:

ARLINGTON ASSOCIATES LIMITED Companies House number 06481885

Only incorporated on 23 Jan 2008

that 2 of the directors were:

ex SAS Commanders

Aldwin J G Wight


Mark Blagborough

But by a slight variation to their names.

Mark Blagbrough is also a Director with Aldwin Wight of


and both

were past Senior Directors of KROLL SECURITY GROUP.

So, what professional business ethics and experience do Senior Directors of KROLL need to have.

Here’s what has not been published, the LINKS of KROLL, protecting the CONSERVATIVE PARTY Grandee funder’s.

The most damaging Conservative Party Political Scandal being their affiliation to LONRHO GROUP and the other directors being

Geoffrey White


Ambassador Frances Dee Cook

Both highlighted by the United Nations and the BBC in 2001 via


as funding “TERRORIST GROUPS” Covertly sponsoring and financing Zimbabwean Despot murderer (SIR) Robert Mugabe, his Military ZDF and directly involved in the networking of “BLOOD” Conflict Diamonds in return for Diamond, Cobalt, Coltan, Gold, Copper mining claims in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)

The covert laundering and “CLEANING” of £billions of “Dirty” Cash from these International Organised Crime network deals can only be facilitated through Major UK BANKS and financial institutions.

Like I said, with a slight name variation, Mark Blagbrough is also linked to the BANK’s and IRAQ

he is a Senior Director of CULVER IRAQ, an insurance network of LLOYDS.

Dedicated professional Risk analysts like Richard Chang would have easily identified suspect trading cash transactions, both in and out of the Banks Corporate accounts.

If these Directors identities, their KROLL links and covert Arms Dealing Companies were exposed and made public, the damage to the BANKS credibility and Conservative Party would be catastrophic.


So there you have it straight from the horses mouth. Howver, having no told you this what is likely to happen, absolutely nothing as our prime protection force known as the Serious Fraud Office and all the leaders and their parties are not interested!!!!!…….you you believe that…….that is why our country has disappeared down the toilet…..…….oh well business as usual folks!!

Peter Eyre – Middle East Consultant – 22/7/2011 www.eyreinternational.worpress.com

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Phone Hacking has been going on for decades so what’s new?

We all have to fully understand that your mobile and your cordless phone are simply radio transmitters and any transmission can be intercepted by anyone with the knowledge and right equipment. The same goes for your land line that can be intercepted and traced back to the owner. Almost any activity in your daily life can be monitored by any of the above and the thousands of CCTV’s that invade our privacy. One must also remember that your mobile is also a give away for your location in much the same way as your satellite navigation system in your car.

Many types of satellites exist in space from stationary satellites to orbital satellites and they can pick up any signal or transmission. When your mobile transmits it can be picked up by several satellites and this makes detection and location that much easier because when more than one picks up your signal it gives a fairly accurate fix as where you are at any given time on this planet.

They have ears to your phone!!

Some of the more sophisticated military satellites have their own little babies know as tethered satellites that are attached to mother by an umbilical cord and with their own little retro rockets leave mother and descend to a lower orbit so that they can read your newspaper as you walk along the street..........then with the help of an unmanned drown, who also can see you in great detail, they take you out with a hellfire missile....simple hey?

Add to this the ability to decode your phone and before you know it they are listening to you.......they being the military, secret service, police, private detectives and reporters etc........with cordless phones its even more elementary because you just scan the appropriate frequency with your communications equipment and listen in.....the same applies if you are on a cruise somewhere in the world and make a call from the ship to the shore.....even here in England you can listen to someone cruising in say South America talking to their loved ones in the US.......such is this simple technology.

Obviously there is the darker side of hacking (otherwise known as tapping) when you can be monitored by anyone, even if you are not a criminal or a suspect. They can also access your internet, your Skype or whatever. If for instance you are a bit of an activist like myself or have a strong opinion about a particular leader or party you will be targeted and believe me it will be relentless.....but hey!...if you have nothing to hide don’t let it upset you because believe me the way our governments have spread their propaganda on terrorism, the hysteria they have instilled in our minds has progressively allowed them (through their anti terrorism laws) to take away our privacy and turn our country into a police state.

What I find most disturbing is the fact that there is no terrorism in the real sense....when they keep reminding us that they have to keep the streets of this country safe from terrorism have you ever thought to yourself what is this threat?......does it exist?.....well I can assure you that it doesn’t and that there is no Al Qaeda because most of the events that have taken place around the world have been false, well orchestrated events (otherwise known as false flags).....two distinct examples were 9/11 and here in London 7/7. What we see is a continuous alert on the war on terrorism and ongoing wars that have no other purpose but to feed our governments with their greedy geo political plans.

The current hacking scandal with the “Murdoch Empire” has to be put into a totally different perspective....its nothing new and as I said has been progressively going on for decades but is now reaching a much higher level than ever before......it is also linked to high levels of corruption in order for someone to get what I call grime and slime of some other person or for a government to gain access into another country in order to manipulate that country to its own advantage.

In today’s world the military, intelligence services, the police and the corporate sector all have their own little nest eggs......in the corporate sector (in particular in the oil, gas and mining sectors) they all have what they call their own “Boiler Rooms” such as Arlington Associates at 22 Arlington Street (next to the Ritz) or at Lonrho Plc, situated in the Cadbury Schweppes Building on the 2nd Floor at 25 Berkeley Square and many more to add such as, 55 Gower Street, Vintners Place, 68 Upper Thames Street and 180 Great Portland Street...the list is endless.

You may ask what this has got to do with phone hacking/tapping or terrorism or the media etc.......it’s very simple because this is the workings of the “New World Order” and it is through this infrastructure that allows them to covertly get their income. It is also how they frame a politician or a businessman etc.....how they monitor what is going on around the world....how they can collapse any company, bank or country as and when they want too!!

Maybe you thought the world financial meltdown was just a happening?.......wrong, it was a very well orchestrated intentional plan to cream off vast sums of money, turn it into toxic debt and then get the corrupt banking sector along with their selective corrupt politicians and governments to bail them all out using taxpayers money.....leaving our respective countries in a massive debt situation.

They collapsed Ireland, Greece and now working on Portugal with Spain and Italy being their next target..........so having now stripped the corporate and banking system and the tax payers they collapse the country and force them into the direction of the IMF/World Bank which is the foundation stone of the “New World Order”........once you are under their spell you are then in for a roller coaster ride in taking on their bail out. They then attach terms to this massive loan which they call austerity measures. This entails massive cutbacks in the public sector, loss or closure of many facilities, loss of thousands of jobs in the health, police, care homes etc leaving you without basic services. Once in the IMF trap you remain in debt forever and in doing so frequently can cause you to default (as we have seen in Greece)......you may also find it hard to believe that the US is already in debt to around $15 trillion and has already defaulted and yet they keep printing more money or pulling money out of the empty vault to fuel wars all over the world (this obviously also applies to the UK, France and Germany).

You may ask what does this achieve.....again the answer is simple....they put up your taxes but you get no services in return for your outlay......they then build up their reserves by adding additional stealth taxes, petrol hikes, gas and electricity charges, local rates etc until they are back into surplus.....then the entire cycle starts all over again and we continue to bail out. I find it fascinating that no one looks at the massive fraud that is taking place each and everyday. Just when you think they have got it right you get another financial tsunami that is far worse than the first........will this happen?.......you bet!!!....it will start to happen this year......so you had better be prepared.......buy hey do not worry the Serious Fraud Office and the Government will protect us!!!!

Back to the main theme again........hacking goes back a long long way and is firmly embedded and accepted by the government and the police, add to this the massive fraud that the police do nothing about and you can see just how corrupt our countries have become.......they almost do it out in the open without restriction or fear.....such is their arrogance!!

The hacking saga started to take off in the mid 1990’s and initially came to a head in 2003 when once again we had another select committee hearing that achieved nothing but made the government look as if it was doing something........at that hearing Rebekah Wade, head of the Sun Newspaper said that this type of activity existed involving the media and the police.......I think it was around 2007 that again it came out that Rupert Murdoch Tabloids had paid the police for information.........in 2009 the police asked her to help in printing details of known paedophiles which is ironic considering it is a police matter and therefore if they were known why didn’t arrest them?.......but hang on a minute you may say......how can you arrest a senior politician?......how can you arrest the man that once headed NATO?........are you starting to get the picture now?

Can you imagine for instance that a senior Intel operative once gave a list of paedophiles to the then Prime Minister, Tony Blair.....who did absolutely nothing about it!!!.....why?...because many senior political figures in Parliament and the House of Lords are also implicated........the same applies to Gordon Brown in the UK and Alex Salmond in Scotland not forgetting the vast web of paedophiles in Wales and Ireland etc.

Believe me this all has a lot to do with hacking/tapping because when the government, police or media track down such satanic people they then have them firmly under their thumb and manipulate them in whatever way they wish.........from their perspective it is better to keep them in such a way than to avoid embarrassment to their respective parties, by arresting them, and eventually putting them through the open court system and jail!

When one adds to this the fact that people like Rupert Murdoch pay their legal fees or pay them off with vast sums of money one can see that financial pay offs act like gagging orders. This policy is deeply embedded in the political system of this country whereby you get a slush fund to pay people off or alternatively a rather nasty person can receive a Knighthood or be placed into a high profile position as a thank you for his/her past deeds( that can in some case cover such things as treason, paedophilia, illegal arms dealings, arranging assassinations, perverting the course of justice or just massive fraud etc).......some names that come to mind would be Baroness Thatcher, Lord Robertson, Lord Mc Alpine, Lord Howard, Lord Mandelson, Peter Lilley MP and many others .....not forgetting John Major, Tony Blair, Gordon Brown and our current Prime Minister David Cameron to name but a few....all have a few skeletons in their closets!!........are you concerned by such a bold statement?...........you certainly should be.

Now that you have seen the bigger picture and the state of these many ongoing investigations and inquiries you must fully understand that this is not to prove the true circumstance that led up to an event but to release those accused of any wrong doings.....such was the case with the following inquiries - Matrix Churchill – Scott Inquiry – Hutton Inquiry – Chinook Inquiry and the current Mull of Kintyre Review and Chilcot Inquiry whereby in the case of the two latter inquiries the star witness in both cases, a Ms Tara Andrea Davison was not called to give evidence........can you believe that?

Being an ex serviceman, serving my country in areas of conflict and later becoming an executive in many sectors I find it totally unacceptable that millions of pounds have been spent in all of the above inquires to free all those guilty of involvement and who now pontificate in their own glory or who because of their crime have now become celebrities!!

The saddest case for me was the current Chinook announcement that correctly cleared the crew of any wrong doing but did not bring justice to those that caused this terrible event. Lies have been told in Parliament that turned this into a successful conclusion and closure for the families of the 29 deceased. What it did not reveal was the fact that their had been another Chinook involved that day, US Navy Seals that were observed going through the wreckage, before the RAF team arrived. The lack of communications with the helicopter after it was handed over from Northern Ireland airspace to Scottish airspace, the fact that I was told by the above named person that this was no accident but an inside job, the fact that Scottish Radar did detect another contact in the vicinity at the same time travelling in a northerly direct at about 80 knots, the fact that in Parliament a Minster stated their was only one Chinook departed at that time when there were two, that the second Chinook was sighted heading north over Port Rush, the fact that the Chinook that crashed was sighted flying erratically down a valley, prior to heading over to the Mull of Kintyre to meet its fate and finally the fact that the female coroner stated to someone that all the victims had died from gunshot wounds to the head!!!......that isn’t an accident!!!

I am sure by now that you have this terrible pain inside of disbelief and ask yourself can this really happen?.......can any government just simply eliminate people without any feelings whatsoever......well folks welcome to the real world because this was just one small event compared to 9/11 or 7/7........you have to understand that phone hacking and false flags are all part of everyday life and in doing so has turned this world into what it is today.

Plant this firmly in your minds...... “The New World Order” does exist and many leaders have openly declared this on camera......they control an immense empire of deceit, fraud and corruption with financial mismanagement at it’s heart......through massive fraud in many many countries they strip the assets of their own companies, their own banks and financial institution, they rape countries and in doing so have basically created what we now call the “World Financial Meltdown” or the “Arab Spring”.......then having created this mass turmoil they then have the arrogance to infiltrate into the crowds to further cause bedlam by selectively turning those crowds into an aggressive rebellion, shooting people in the crowd and then pointing the finger at the current leader or government that they want to force out of office (regime change)......that is why we are in Libya and soon they will turn on Syria, Yemen, Somalia and possibly North Sudan.....not forgetting their ultimate target.....Iran!!

You must understand that the unrest in most of the hot spots at the moments is fired up by the cover operations of Special Forces, CIA, MI5/6, Mossad and many other Intel and security companies. I would also add that the New World Order has under its command the United Nations, WHO, IMF/World Bank, Bank of England, the Reserve Bank of the US, the International Court of Justice with NATO as its military arm.

The plan is to hand over the sovereignty of each and ever European country to make it a sort of United States of Europe with NATO as its defence mechanism.......this entails massive cutbacks in each countries military to render them incapable of self defence and in doing so making us totally dependant on NATO. Add to this the fact that in the not too distant future you will not be able to call yourself Irish, Scottish, Welsh or English. This also means that every aspect of life will be controlled by the New World Order who will control the government, the financial sector, the legal sector, the health sector, the educational sector etc making us all basically subservient to the ruling elite........as I have previously pointed out the final act will be the placement of a micro chip under your skin.....the size of a small grain of rice....that can be injected into your body and hey presto your are now theirs forever........the chip will be controlled via a central data bank and if you are a bad boy or girl they will simply switch you off.....no currency will exist so everything will be accessed via your chip and pin.......if they don’t like your attitude or whatever they just switch you off making it impossible for you to go shopping, go for food, a drink, go to the doctor, visit hospital etc.......believe it or not?

Should we get out of Europe.......you bet otherwise we will sink with them!!
Finally we have the other aspect of this ongoing hacking scandal...... is it a conspiracy?....is it a means of de seating the existing failed coalition government. From the New World Order perspective this would be a perfect setting to get their own total control of the United Kingdom.....why you may ask?.....because at the centre of the New World Order Zionist heart are links to the European Royal Families!!....the other controlling links being the Rothschild’s, Rockefeller’s Bilderberg etc. Should such a conspiracy take place they would have their very own Ed Miliband and possible his brother David Miliband at the helm of this country.

The future is certainly not bright with possible internet censorship, mass depopulation by means of the weapons used in all areas of conflict (Depleted Uranium etc) and via public vaccinations (HPV Vaccines etc), end of our liberty and nationality, the continued rise in the activity of the Satanic Freemasons and paedophilia with direct links to government, more wars and conflict with the final goal being Iran........this would be one of the most catastrophic events in modern history if it were allowed to take place......the list is endless.
There is even a conspiracy theory milling around that there will be another war with Germany .....that is one theory I have problems coming to terms with but then again they still have an axe to grind since the holocaust so maybe it’s possible.

The Prime Minister admitted today that the police have a case to answer but I would go a step further by saying that his party is rife with fraud and with direct involvement in virtual companies and boiler rooms and that all leaders and parties have been informed by Gordon Bowden and myself of massive fraud amounting to billions of pounds each and every year.....this includes the Serious Fraud Office.....all of whom have done nothing

So will hacking/tapping continue?......yes!!.... Will false flags continue?......yes!!.....can we stop this evil trend?.........yes we most certainly can!!.......how you may ask?......simply follow the money trail and hit them where it hurts.......in their fat wallets!!!........that is what Gordon Bowden and I have been doing for some considerable time.......just keep exposing them......educating the public and eventually get rid of the Rothschild octopus that is strangling our very existence.......then form a new clean political party.......start up a new peoples banking system and hey presto you have done it.

Peter Eyre – Middle East Consultant – 20/7/2011 www.eyreinternational.wordpress.com

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Arms to Iraq, CBW, Chilcot Inquiry, Chinook Crash, Conservative Party, David Cameron, Gordon Brown, Illegal Arms Dealing, Iraq Inquiry, Labour Party,

You may find it incredible to know that the star witness in this inquiry has not been called before the board, a Ms.Tara Andrea Davison (whose true identity is believed to be possibly a Ms Tara Andrea Biggs-Davison).

Tara, by her own admission, stated that she was to have given evidence at the Chilcot Inquiry and it is clear that this appeared to be the case. She goes on to accuse, the then Prime Minister, Gordon Brown as having colluded, organised or aided and abetted Derby police into raiding her property and seizing these vital paper that beyond doubt would have incriminated members of Parliament.

So I ask the question again is this inquiry legal?………under the circumstance no

Is this case transparent?……………………absolutely not

You may be interested to know that she also gave evidence at the previous Scott Inquiry (in a private sitting) and that was also yet another cover-up that the government are so good at doing.

So let’s now prove to you just how much information she had and how crucial this information is for a transparent and fair inquiry.

I will now introduce the story in her own words and maybe someone out there will have the guts to demand that this scam inquiry does it job correctly:


The Iraq Inquiry headed by Sir John Chilcot is calling on me to supply sensitive evidence which was seized by the Derby Police mid January 2010. I am a former adviser to the Trade and Industry Select Committee on Arms to Iraq is struggling to know what to do. As she did when giving evidence to the Scott Inquiry into Arms o Iraq she expected to do so in total secrecy but the actions of Derby police have made this impossible.

The Iraq enquiry set up by Gordon Brown is convened for the purpose of examining the United Kingdom’s involvement in Iraq, including the way decisions were made and actions taken, to establish as accurately and reliably as possible what happened, and to identify lessons that can be learned. The Inquiry is considering the period from 2001 up to the end of July 2009.

Gordon Brown (then Prime Minister) told the House of Commons, no British document and no British witness will be beyond the scope of the Inquiry. The Government has assured the Inquiry of the full co-operation of the relevant Departments.

But conversely Brown colluded, organised or aided and abetted Derby police seizing documents, mid January 2010, which were pertinent to the inquiry implicating himself in a cover-up. Five weeks later he would himself be called to the Inquiry to give evidence.

These Iraq documents were seized by DC Steven Winnard on the 13th of January just weeks before they were due to be presented to the Iraq Inquiry. Although by now everyone in the New Coalition Government knows about the seizure of the Iraq Documents from me they have not been returned.

Hywell Williams MP of Plaid Cymru whose party originated and led the call to impeach Tony Blair, in 2004 because of Blair’s decision to engage in an illegal war with Iraq, is making enquiries but so far without success. On the 22nd of July Nick Clegg declared to Parliament from the dispatch box that the war in Iraq was “illegal”. That is what my documents stolen by the Derby police prove.


Tara also stated that none of this property had been returned to her and so the question would be who now has the Chilot papers and why have they not been handed over for investigation……it is clear that these papers prove that both Conservative and Labour have a case to answer.

I guess by now your asking what choice is left in the voting bank and who can be trusted, well I have to say that Nick Clegg is no role model and so your chances of getting a clean leader is diminishing each and every day.

What both Gordon and I find incredible is the fact that still no charges have been laid by the police against Tara in relation to her apparent fraud and more importantly no charges have been laid against Tara under the Official Secrets Act based on what has been recovered from her business premises. Let me just remind you again of the goods taken by the police and I am sure you will agree such documents should never have been allowed to be held by her in the first place and why did it take so long for her to use this information against those that accused her of fraud? Below is Tara’s account of items seized:

A very large amount of property was seized during the execution of the warrant so this list remains not restricted to but including. In effect they took the lifetimes accumulation of documents and property some which will only come to light later no doubt


Cash ilOO-f.200
Cash in Euros 200 to 500
Share certificates
Credit Cards


Masonic Jewels (father was a mason)
Gold and Jewellery worth now about £40,000,00
Watch Jules Audemars
Watch Rolex


Driving licence
Training Records
Educational and Professional Certificates Employment records (clearance correspondence)
Personal records concerning security Top Secret Nuclear
Family History Records
Company Pension Records
All insurance documents for property and vehicles
MOT certificates
Family Photographs
Parents death Certificates
Tax Records
Pay Slips
All bank statements and documents with passwords etc. House deeds and original documents
Cheque books personal and business
Credit card statements
Files of receipts guarantees and instruction books


Spare keys for the House and barn and outbuilding and all keys to the locked gates
Property Keys
Car Keys


Coolpix camera with SD Card installed
Eriksson Mobile phones 3 off
3 other mobile phones
Electronic scales
2 Desktop computers
4 laptops
Ipaq Personal organiser
3 portable hard drives
I mobile dongle (now paying each month for a service only the derby police can receive because they have the dongle


Large box of various software for the computers perhaps 20-30 CD’s
Office 2007


Fire proof safety box
One wooden 4 draw filing cabinet


Large Box containing documents not restricted to but including Documents and Records (some originals and some copies).

Project Babylon (supergun) file and corresponded about same
Biological weapons and delivery systems in Iraq
Location of Planes and WMD’s following Desert Storm
Mobile Biological Weapons Laboratory in Iraq
UK supply of Biological and Chemical agents to Iraq
Evidence given in secret to Lord Justice Scott
Note books concerning arms to Iraq
Production line facilities in Iraq for CBW
Gulf War Syndrome.
Arms running through Yugoslavia.
Electromagnetic Warfare (star Wars).
Iraq’s nuclear programme.
Hard evidence and papers on investigation by Ministry of Defence police (fraud Squad) with which I was assisting NATO sensitive.
Correspondence from Gordon Brown, Tony Blair, Gerald Kaufman, Lord Douglas Hoyle, Lew Smith, Stan Crowther covering several years mostly about Arms to Iraq and Yugoslavia plus correspondence with Tony Blair about Child abuse in Children’s Homes in North Wales and Cheshire.
Documents concerning a nuclear warhead and group discussion with Peter Hain, Pete Sawyer, David Lowrey and Peter Hains researcher Isabell.
Documents on Jonathan Aitken including letters from Customs about Jonathan Aitken.
Computer discs several boxes all about arms to Iraq and the war in Yugoslavia and the IRA.
Records cards 1 box dealing with companies that supplied Iraq one box dealing with the people involved in the supply of arms to Iraq .
Record box with cards of those involved in the Care Homes child abuse enquiry.
Correspondence Atomic Weapons Establishment
Documents concerning the Atomic Weapons Establishment.


Letters from Tony Blair when he was shaddow Home Secretary
Letters from Kenneth Clarke and others
Evidence concerning Police Officers, Judiciary, MP’s and Government Ministers involved
Witness statements from victims including statements from witnessess in the Welsh Childress Homes Scandal
Notebooks containing information and conversations with victims, carers and whistle blowers
large amount of index cards with names and links
Various documents concerning International Paedofile Network
Evidence collected to write various newspaper and magazine articals calling for a public enquiry


File of my ongoing investigation into a fraud (in which I am the victim)
Hard Evidence an original signed document
Hard evidence in the form of letters



Chamber of mines medical records
Records about current incurable illness
Legal Council during divorce
File of letters from solicitor about property purchase
Privileged letters between my solicitor and myself


Client records with confidential details from when I was acting as an appropriate adult (I was a mental health advocate for over 10 years) and an appropriate adult on call. Including personal and confidential details of adults who had been abused in the North Wales Children’s Homes scandal
Investment Club financial records
Confidential Client coaching session records

JOURNALISTIC Material and client in confidence

Journalistic Material Documents and records of interviews given in confidence including but not limited www.afbio.co.uk/Items Taken.html


I find this entire episode as accelerated out of control since Gordon and I tried to befriend Tara on the grounds that she was a small fish compared to the other corporate, banking and political fraud. We attempted to make it known that we could help her but instead she went on the attack against Gordon Bowden and the rest is now history.

It is clear that a massive illegal arms trade existed going back many decades with the Conservative Party at its heart. However, one cannot point the finger at just one party as Labour is also implicated in many wrong doings under the command of Tony Blair and later Gordon Brown.

Finally before closing we also have another inquiry/review underway being that of the RAF Chinook Crash (Mull of Kintyre 1994) in which initially the crew were blamed. This was again a massive cover up by the government/RAF/MoD when it became apparent that this was not the only Chinook in the area at the time and also that (according to third party information, not Tara) all the crew and the 25 VIP passengers (very senior Northern Ireland Police, Army and MI5 anti terrorist specialist) all died from gunshot wounds to the head.

It was Ms Tara Andrea Davison who informed me during a telephone conversation on the 4/8/2010 that this was no accident and had been an inside job organized out of the department she had worked for (DTI)……Ms Davison was not involved.

During the following two months I carried out my own investigation and having been suitable convinced that Tara’s comments could be true I went with Gordon Bowden to Derby Police Station to report my findings ( Incident Number being 620 of 07/10/2010).

The police refused to take a statement under oath (DC’s Cyples and Rigby) and after some considerable time later the case was handed over to DC Ahmed who eventually handed it over to the MoD who had been involved in the initial cover-up.

Over the next 6 months I continued to investigate and eventually sent my own evidence to the Mull of Kintyre Review board via Mr Passa and Lord Phillips PA. In all I think I produced three reports for the board which were all acknowledged. The reports covered all aspects of the flight and my analysis on the circumstances that day (based on my own extensive aviation experience).

Some bullet points that became obvious to me were as follows:

In the Houses of Parliament it was stated that only one Chinook departed Northern Ireland airspace when in actual fact a rather secretative Chinook departed just before ZD576 and headed off in the same direct. A second radar blip revealed another aircraft in the same vicinity and at the same time around the Mull of Kintyre.
It is against normal Military and Civil Aviation protocol to load so many VIP’s on the same flight.
Why wasn’t a higher level of tracking carried out for such an important flight and why was the transmission from the Chinook not answered………could the crew have already been dead?
When the RAF rescue team arrived from the nearby base how come the crash scene was overrun by unknown US personnel, who stated they were looking for something that belonged to them? Could these Americans have been dropped from the second Chinook and could they have been US Navy Seals who also just so happened to be based nearby?
A report was passed to me by a third party who was told that the lady coroner reported that the cause of death of the 4 crew and 25 passengers was as a result of gunshot wounds to the head………..certainly this type of activity could be related to a US Navy Seal type operations.

So again I ask the question…….Why hasn’t the star witness been called forward for both the Chilcot Inquiry and the Mull of Kintyre Review……..is it possible that this lady has a super injunction over her? Is it possible that both parties (Government v Davison) have something on each other and that this will never reach the courts? Why did Ms Davison suddenly start publishing government sensitive documents many years after the event and why haven’t the Derbyshire police charged her after such a long extended bail?

I am sure you all agree that this situation is deplorable and accordingly is not likely to become public knowledge…………how would you feel if your pilot son was first blamed for the accident and then learn that he was assassinated……..but hey don’t forget that the relatives were paid off to the tune of around £500,000 each….no doubt the agreement was not to discuss this crash with anyone!!

That’s what the government call democracy and justice!!!…………I rest my case

Peter Eyre – Middle East Consultant – 6/6/2011 www.eyreinternational.wordpress.com

The West and its plans to force regime change in many countries

The West and its plans to force regime change in many countries

What is the US, Britain, France and NATO actually after in its so called war on terrorism?

Are we in the west fuelling the Arab Spring?

How come these leaders are not on the wanted list by the International Court of Justice?

They are trying to force regime change in all countries that have no military pact with US & NATO or who have no cooperation or economic ties. They are also deeply upset that they have little involvement in Oil and Gas contracts and more importantly they are upset that the IMF/World Bank has no involvement in their countries.

It is obvious that looking through western eyes this is the greater economic threat to America, UK, France and NATO and because of this they continue to pursue their relentless attack on these so called aggressive leaders, who according to them kill their own people. One must not forget that Israel also plays a major part in this “Arab Spring.”

The media which is under the censorship of their Zionist owners are equally to blame for portraying the wrong theme as what is really going on in Libya, Syria and Yemen etc.

First of all we have to understand that the world economic meltdown was an intentional plan by the New World Order to control all sectors and to allow banks or companies to fold up or become dependent on government bail outs. Whilst all this was going on we also had the ongoing massive corporate fraud, linked to those same banks and involving senior politicians and their parties. Add to this the permanent state of war that the US, UK, France and NATO encourage and one can clearly see that this forces up the price of oil, commodities and food etc……..the net result is companies closing down, mass unemployment, loss of homes and more people becoming more dependent on the state. However, in other countries this damage is almost irreversible resulting in severe hardship and forcing them closer to poverty.

We then see unrest within those countries as people start to take to the streets wanting change and look towards their leaders and government for a quick fix and in some cases those leaders are themselves also corrupts. However, with the help of the US, UK, France and the west these relatively peaceful protests turn into a blood bath as we saw in such places as Egypt, Yemen, Syria and Libya……having said that however Libya has (or should I say had) one of the best standards of living in Africa under the Ghadaffi’s leadership.

So what has this got to do with the so called aggression and killing of innocent people….you may find it hard to believe that it is at such times that the west infiltrate those countries with their Special Forces, CIA, MI5, Mossad and hired Mercenaries with the intention of creating trouble at key locations i.e. Benghazi, Damascus, Sanaa, Bahrain and many other locations within each country. They are skilled at starting up trouble by creating “Dial a crowd” – “Dial a militia” – “Dial a sniper” who are then directly financed and armed by the US, UK, France, EU and Israel. Once this is in place a peaceful protest then becomes a contrived conflict.

The next stage is to place selective snipers on rooftops to take out the odd innocent civilian and one can soon see how such situations suddenly appear to take on a new outlook………..it is at such moment that the Zionist control media then feed false propaganda to the screens of the general public in the west with what can only be described as an appalling standard of reporting. This was clearly shown in Libya with so much reference to this so called rebel army, that is not an army at all, but simply an undisciplined, fragmented pile of thugs, paid and armed by the west.

We now see the same in Syria to try to spread this same hysteria throughout its people and to make us all believe that President Assad is a thug, like they did with Ghaddafi when this is not the case.

Many of the refugees who fled to Turkey in recent weeks are returning home

A classic example was the recent unrest near the border with Turkey, resulting in civilians moving over the border in mass…….we then saw Syrian troops being sent into that area to clean up these small fragmented groups of militia/mercenaries. What the media did not show clearly was that after this mop up thousands of those refugees started flowing back over the border heading back to their homes………let’s just hold it there and explain one simple fact……..if you had been driven from your homes by this so called aggressive Syrian Army why would you then return to your homes when the only people left in the area were the Syrian Army……..it is clear that the mercenaries had been moved on or killed and this action alone allowed them to return.

We also see these very carefully orchestrated street scenes of pictures from mobile phones, that do not allow the viewer to make out anything at all and sometimes showing someone on the roof firing into the crowd……the media then make the same announcement that these statements and pictures cannot be verified etc etc.

Libya is currently under a huge barrage of illegal US and NATO weapons (Weapons of Mass Destruction) and believe me the death toll, in the medium term future, will be catastrophic. What can we expect from this Libyan onslaught……gross birth defects, a massive increase in all forms of cancer, especially in the unborn and young children, a sharp increase in cancer of the thyroid and Leukaemia…..but it doesn’t stop there because we then have an increase in mental disorders, brain tumours and autism etc……another aspect that is not talked about is that these weapons create infertility in women and a massive reduction in the male sperm count.

These weapons in the main contain depleted uranium (DU) and based on the heavy usage (both past and current) will make such places as Tripoli turn into a type of Fallujah (Iraq). You may find it hard to understand that contamination from DU remains in the environment for 4.5 billion years making such places as Iraq and Afghanistan almost uninhabitable.

We must all understand that this Arab Spring does have a genuine compassionate overtone on a local level where the people in Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Syria and Bahrain etc really do want change. However, the west certainly intends to force these countries into a regime change so that the new leader and government are friendly towards the US and the west.

Riots in Greece but no Special Forces, CIA, MI5 or Mossad sniper (they wouldn’t dare)

Remember, we also had/have a European Spring in such countries as Ireland, Greece, Portugal and no doubt Spain and Italy are also on the cards…….this is a forced collapse by the New World Order i.e. Wall Street and City of London financial houses, linked with the World Bank and the IMF who wish to force all these countries to take on massive debt that they cannot basically pay back. To date Ireland and Greece have been forced into accepting and IMF bailout with Portugal still attempting to stand its ground

I find it incredible that the general public in this world are totally blind as to what is truly going on and continue to believe what they see on the main line media networks……you must all fully understand that all the regular channels in the west are heavily censored.

John Pilger as we all know is an award winning journalist who has done some remarkable work in exposing the truth. He has made a film called “The wars you don’t see” and believe me this is such an eye opener……someone has made it available on You Tube in 8 segments and is a must to watch.

Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_SQk9tvHTA

Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDy2EKp5yLE&feature=related

Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mH1t73EHmn0&feature=related

Part 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCPFkmz0poI&feature=related

Part 5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVlI7Ne8GLo&feature=related

Part 6: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibr6Do-WcQI&feature=related

Part 7: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7tk2bZTIUxE&feature=related

Part 8: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bR3elwyxTvE&feature=related

Just think about what John Pilger has said and try to take it all in……this is the reality of these ongoing wars that not only affect those countries in the war zone but also the entire world (because DU does not identify international borders) and so we will see this slow progressive mass genocide on a scale never seen before…..imagine we have in the atmosphere the equivalent of thousand of nuclear weapons all suspended in the form of millions of nanoparticles………..we can breath in (inhale, absorb or digest) any of these particles at any one time and once inside the lungs or the body the progressive process will start….it can take as little as six months or many years and it is irreversible. When it rains or snows the nanoparticles then attach themselves to rain/moisture or snow flakes and then come down to contaminate our land, crops and water for 4.5 billion years……so come on world when are you all going to wake up and stop this madness?

Here’s some facts that were published in India: Arun Shrivastava (Salem-News.com)

Two million Iraqis are dead, 740,000 Iraqi women widowed, 5 million homeless, 1/3 killed are children. Longest war, no cause, use of WMD, no civilised voices in opposition to the US + NATO attacks.
Hundreds of thousands in Afghanistan killed, the region is uninhabitable, so is Iraq because of radiation contamination from the use of Depleted Uranium weapons, also known as Weapons of Mass Destruction or area deniability weapons.
Why has the MSM been so silent? Do journalists have any moral compunction?
When one or two Muslims are killed in Police brutality in India, it becomes a national issue of “crimes against minorities.” But when million of Muslims are done in by the British and American Government controlled military forces, not a voice is raised? And India has the second largest Muslim population in the world. Are the Iraqi, Libyan or Afghan Muslims inferior to Indian Muslims? Is that the position held by the Left thinkers and Muslim activists in India?

DU Child in Afghanistan

Finally we have the International Court of Justice, who are manipulated by the US, UK, France and NATO, who push for the arrest of the President of Sudan or Ghadaffi but what about our own Presidents and Prime Ministers who authorise the use of Weapons of Mass Destruction…….which is the greater crime?

This exercise of “Mass Depopulation” started during the War in the Balkans and has been running continuously ever since…….think about that for one minute…….. “The continuous use of weapons that contain uranium components has been going for two decades.”

Food for thought or should I say contaminated food for thought………this certainly adds new meaning to the term organic farming don’t you think?

I came across a couple of reports:

British, French agents undercover in Libya to get Gaddafi: Report
By ANI | ANI – Sun, Jun 19, 2011
London, June 19 (ANI): A team of 130 British and French agents are reportedly on a one-million-pound-a-week, do-or-die deep undercover mission in Libya to get Colonel Muammar Gaddafi.
The British security service MI6 and France’s Directorate-General for External Security agents will hunt for the dictator in Operation Fire And Forget, the Daily Star reports.
According to a senior security source, these agents are personally sanctioned by UK PM David Cameron and French President Sarkozy, the paper said.
Members of the team speak the language, have lived in the country for years, and have made good contacts or landed jobs in key areas.
“These agents are very brave people. If they get caught they will disappear and won’t survive an hour,” the paper quoted the senior security source, as saying.
Money is no object and the operation could cost an estimated one million pounds a week, the source added. (ANI)

Another comment received was as follows: I know of a man who is working for a British security firm out of Dubai who is getting over £2000/day + expenses in Libya. I know the security firm although I cannot give the name here.

So much for no boots on ground hey?


It is the US, UK, France and NATO’s intention to destroy the infrastructure of Libya, suppress its economy, remove its regime and spread fear amongst the population. One incident that was not reported by the western media was the fact that NATO bombed a restaurant that served food primarily to the local oil workers. Some locals managed to survive the onslaught and attempted to go back in and rescue their fellow workers…..as they attempted to do so they were fired upon by helicopters………those helicopter could only have been US, British or NATO…..they did not target the oil facility but only the workers…..now maybe you can see what is truly behind this war!!

Let’s just remember the purpose for going into Libya…. “To save many lives” right?…………..Wrong!!…..they are not only currently killing many many innocent civilians by hitting densely populated areas with bombs and missiles but have also nuked Libya……. this alone will progressively kill many thousands if not millions of innocent people

Oh well continue watching your favourite show on TV or your sports channel and just simply let the world go by……..shame on you all!!

Peter Eyre – Middle East Consultant – 29/6/2011 www.eyreinternational.wordpress.com

Arms to Iraq – Just who knew what would have to be the question – Part 4 (Final)

Baby Supergun - Successfully test fired North of Baghdad

Project Babylon – Supergun – Designed to fire CBW/WMD into Iran & Israel

Made in Sheffield UK with full British Government/MoD/DTI/MI5 Approval

In this final article we will cover another disgraceful chapter linked to the illegal arms trade to Iraq. As I have previously point out we have had two failed and corrupt inquires so far (Matrix Churchill and the Scott Inquiry) with the Chilcot Inquiry still waiting for a result…….indications show yet another cover-up, with Tony Blair and Gordon Brown coming out clean and with no regrets!!

This story not only reveals how Maggie Thatcher and the British Conservative Party violated the UN Sanctions on South Africa, abused British Tax Payers Money and then by their “Gross Neglect” allowed three “Battlefield Ready Nuclear Bombs” to be stolen from their insecure compound in Oman.

Before revealing what really happened we have to fully understand the countries that were implicated in this illegal arms deal and the impact it would have in going to war with Iraq…….the very country we had been supporting for many years. The countries involved were the United States, United Kingdom, Israel and South Africa.

We first have to turn back the clock to the period when it became apparent that white supremacy in South Africa was about to end and certain measures had to be put in place prior to the hand over to Nelson Mandela.

Mells Park

What the British public never knew was the fact that while Nelson Mandela was under lock and key in his cell he did in actual fact play a huge part in the negotiations regarding the terms of the handover. Meanwhile senior members from the South Africa Government and the British Government participated in many secretive visits to a place called Mells Park, in the Mendip Hills to discuss the terms for the changeover.

The other covert operation that was also taking place was the development, by South Africa, in creating its own nuclear weapons programme, all of which were secretly carried out under the radar of the UN Sanctions but with the full knowledge of the US, UK and with the assistance of Israel and its own nuclear specialists.

What I find incredible that this was not the only nuclear weapons mishap that occurred around the same period of time when in 1991 a US B52 had a full in-flight emergency resulting in the aircraft having to jettison its nuclear payload off the coast of Somalia before crashing into the Indian Ocean close to Diego Garcia (a British Military Base).

Let’s first look at the South African illegal nuclear weapons programme and the involvement of Israel into ensuring its success:

The initial steps were taken back in the 1960′s but this programme was later accelerated when South Africa did a deal with Israel on nuclear development. This deal obviously complimented Israel’s own nuclear programme as they did not have an area suitable for test firing such weapons.

There were several small tests carried out in the Kalahari Desert but the full test had to be carried out elsewhere. It was decided to test fire the first nuclear bomb down off Prince Edward Island which is a small island group south of the continent. The bomb was successfully tested in September 1979 and was detected by US satellite. However, the US covered up this detection and blamed it on some other technical problem on board the satellite. This however was not the case as there had been a secret memo handed around at the Los Alamos nuclear test facility in the United States confirming the test.

With the help of Israel, South Africa went on to build another 9 nuclear bombs which eventually gave the “White Government” a major headache as to what they should do with these “Nukes” prior to the changeover to Mandela. Discussions took place with the US and UK and the decision was made to have the nine remaining bombs shipped directly from South Africa to Chicago for decommissioning.

It was interesting to read the spin that came out at the time when it was stated: South Africa dismantled its nuclear weapons program in 1989. All the bombs (six constructed and one under construction) were destroyed and South Africa acceded to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty when South African Ambassador to the United States Harry Schwarz signed the treaty in 1991. On 19 August 1994, after completing its inspection, the IAEA confirmed that one partially completed and six fully completed nuclear weapons had been dismantled. As a result, the IAEA was satisfied that South Africa’s nuclear program had been converted to peaceful applications. As you can see from my statement above and below this was totally untrue as six bombs were shipped to the US and three shipped by the British to Oman!!

The British Prime Minister, Maggie Thatcher had something else in mind as she was deeply involved with the conflict in Iraq and requested if she could purchase three of these battlefield ready nuclear bombs to be used against Saddam in the event he did not toe the line.

It was during the summer of 1989 that she sent Kenneth Warren (now Sir Kenneth) and a rather young Conservative researcher, David Cameron down to Pelindaba in South Africa to start the purchase process of three nuclear bombs. The idea involved using taxpayers money but not via the normal weapons purchase channels of the MoD but via the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI). The other aspect that I find totally deplorable was that this also became a private business project involving very senior members of Parliament (Tory Party) who invested in the project with Maggie Thatcher’s son Mark at the helm (now Sir Mark).

It was during this episode that Michael Heseltine paid a visit to Venice to meet with Lord Mac Alpine and it is also believed that Peter Lilley, David Wilshire and many other senior members of government were also involved. In actual fact as we follow this charade up to the current time we could also possibly include other politicians, who through their actions have tried to cover up the whole illegal arms fiasco during investigations such as Alan Clarke and Ken Clarke etc.

Sir Ken Warren and Peter Lilley MP

The go between for this illegal arms transfer was the notorious arms dealer John Bredenkamp who, having sold them, then arranged for the shipment to Oman in standard 20 foot sea containers. They were shipped without any security and were then stored in his mates compound, again without security.

The person responsible for receiving and checking this shipment was none other than Dr. David Kelly, who would check the health of the nuclear weapons (via special concealed observation panels) and to see that the core temperature was within safe limits. Having checked all three were OK the money was then released for the outright purchase. It was at these final stages of the deal that £17.8 million (of taxpayer’s money) was siphoned off and paid directly into the empty Tory Party Election Fund.

What was to happen next was beyond comprehension when the arms dealer, John Bredenkamp, stole back the three weapons, knowing the British Government would not be able to do anything about it as the entire deal had been totally illegal and implicated so many senior political figures…….this sort of fiasco had the capability to collapse the entire Tory Government.

The three nuclear bombs, each one stored inside a specially modified sea container, were switched with three other containers that only contained a concrete block to the same value in weight. They were then believed to have been moved to Iraq (for a short time) and then moved by road into Syria by placing them inside three ambulances (one in each). These bombs were extremely mobile as they were initially designed to be placed inside the bomb bay of a British built Canberra Bomber or inside another British aircraft called the Buccaneer.

SAAF Canberra and Buccaneer

It may be worth pointing out at this stage that if having nuclear weapons is justification for going to war then in this case we went to war with the wrong country and consequently over one million Iraq’s died as a direct result of this action……not to forget the coalition force losses!! It is also apparent that Dr. David Kelly was also assassinated for knowing too much!!

By now you are probably saying to yourself how could we, the British public, be so deceived and how come no one has been arrested or charge with offenses relating to this mammoth gross act of negligence? You would also be shocked to learn that many of these fraudsters are still in office in high places, including the PM himself. One must also add to the list of political wrong doings the fact that both Tony Blair and Gordon Brown knew of this situation as did our local MP’s Margaret Beckett and Chris Williamson who have been briefed on these events, not forgetting Lord Doug Hoyle who was one of the members who raised the fraudulent £17.8 million in Parliament ( see Hansard June 22nd 1993 from Column 197)………don’t you find this beyond belief that despite this fraud/irregularity being recorded in Parliament no one has ever pursued it and sought justice and yet if you or I take say £50 from the government coffers we can end up in prison?…….not to mention the Nuclear Explosions Act!!

It is time to look at another cover up committed by the US when a B52 that was overhead Baghdad armed with SRAM nuclear missiles encountered a full in flight emergency with its electrics.

The SRAM (short range attack missile, AGM 69A). The air-surface missile at the time of going missing contained a Plutonium Warhead W69M (200KT thermo-nuclear). The AGM69A missile was first manufactured in 1971 – 1976 and around 1,500 were produced. There were retired over a period of time between 1991 – 1994 although there were initially removed from active service in 1990 due to fire safety concerns. This concern however did not stop the continued operational usage.

Unknown to the United Nations and many other countries the US were playing a cat and mouse game with Iraq during Gulf War 1 and it was on President George H.W. Bush’s watch that things went terribly wrong during one of his major bluffs!

He had authorized a B52 Bomber to depart its Saudi Arabian Air Base loaded with SRAM Nuclear Missiles and position overhead Baghdad. We were led to believe that this aircraft only had three missiles onboard; despite the fact it could carry twenty missiles. The idea Bush had in mind was to threaten Saddam with these nuclear weapons unless he toed the line.

The B52 with a registration number of 59-2593 suddenly encountered a major electrical problem which could have been catastrophic. The aircraft commander was instructed to head south as he continued to attempt to sort out the problem.

The aircraft eventually was instructed to head for Diego Garcia in the north of the Indian Ocean. Well into this flight things started to become more critical and the crew were very much aware of their cargo of potentially unstable weapons.

The decision was made to jettison the weapons off the coast of Somalia in relative shallow water (one would assume for possible later recovery), and then proceeded on to land at Diego Garcia. The onboard electrical system had obviously become extremely critical resulting in the aircraft loosing power to its eight engines as it attempted to get back to Diego Garcia. The aircraft started to loose height and prior to arriving at the field some crew members ejected. The aircraft by this time had dropped to below its safe ejection height and the remainder of the crew ejected but failed to deploy their chutes and consequently died. The aircraft crashed into the sea 15 nautical miles north of the field on the 3rd of February 1991.

Dick Cheney was US Secretary of Defense and did not take any immediate action to recover these weapons from off the coast of Somalia at the time and consequently they were recovered by another fraudulent organization in May 1999 who were supposed to be a deep sea diving/ treasure salvage team who were working in the offshore Somalia area. This diving company was operating out of the Seychelles and apparently was a cover up for a South African arms smuggling operation into Somalia. The apartheid-era South African military were sending packages of conventional arms destined for groups in Somalia, and dropping them in shallow water. The divers couldn’t find these packages and had to broaden their search and accidently then came across the SRAMs. They allegedly relayed their serial numbers via the UK to a retired senior officer in the USAF to find out what they were. The news from the senior officer was that these were nuclear munitions from the B-52. I should point out at this stage that the South African arms dealer was also involved in the missing UK nuclear weapons namely John Bredenkamp and another arms dealer by the name of Muller Conrad (Billy) Rautenbach……the latter received tons of gold bullion when he sold the missiles on the black market.

Well guess what folks? Both these notorious arms dealers enjoyed a life of unbelievable luxury and frequented the shores of the UK…..one even lived almost next door to the Iron Lady herself and some of their relatives still live in the luxury backdrops of rural England……such is justice and democracy here in the UK!!

I guess by now your asking was there anything else in this sinister illegal arms trade that the Tory Party became so good at? Yes it gets far worse because it was Maggie Thatcher who when she came to power realised that Rhodesia was about to take a dramatic change and eventually became Zimbabwe and again we see concerns as to what would happen to the existing advanced Chemical and Biological Warfare that had been created in Rhodesia.

It was decided to move the entire programme and staff down to South Africa having already been involved in some very deadly programmes. Experiments were held on a regular basis whereby animal water hotels would be intentionally contaminated or those in poverty would become the test bed for their evil experiments…..sometimes it would be on unsuspecting patients in hospital or on prisoners etc.

Eventually the programme would advance under its new control by the White South African. This also meant that Porton Down in the UK would become a very important part of the CBW programme and in cooperation with the South African Govern developed what became known as Project Coast.

Although no large-scale production or weaponization of offensive BW agents occurred at Roodeplaat Research Laboratories (RRL), scientists took their orders from Basson, acquired, prepared, and tested a plethora of toxic biological substances. RRL produced and tested all of the 45 local strains of anthrax bacteria, Brucella maletensis, four types of Clostridium botulinum, cholera bacteria, and Yersinia enterocolitica and/or Y. pestis. In addition, RRL worked with Clostridium perfringens, Escheria coli, plague, salmonella, HIV-infected blood, and snake venom, as well as CW agents like Mustard, Sarin, Tabun and VX, and a wide array of other highly toxic chemicals. RRL may have shipped some of these products to other entities for testing, including the pyrotechnical labs at Special Forces headquarters, the SAP’s Forensic Sciences Laboratory, universities, or other facilities at various state companies, semi-state companies, and private companies. After being privatized for a brief period in the early 1990s, the company’s shareholders sold RRL back to the government, which then liquidated RRL. It was in South Africa where the “Black only bomb” was designed that specifically would target the Afro Gene…..this however was never used. What did come to light was the fact that sometimes bottles of deadly CBW would go missing and fall into the hands of Special Forces who would then use it out in the field, in and around Africa. What would transpire from this evil type of warfare was that certain regions would become infected with something deadly CBW, including HIV etc.

It was again dear Dr. David Kelly that would be in charge of the UK programme and was forced to work in a sort of Joint Venture programme with the South Africans. Add to this his knowledge of the missing nukes and maybe you can then understand as to why he was assassinated. It also so happened that Princess Diana also learnt of the activity of the people who were supplying mines and she also became a victim of the arms dealers such people like Bredenkamp and Rautenbach. One could also cast some doubt on the death of Robin Cook who really put the Tory Party and his own party under great pressure.

Dr. David Kelly Princess Diana Robin Cook MP

As I have previously pointed out so many times before that what has and is going on in this country both past and up to the current time is totally and utterly shameful and borders on mass genocide in every possible way. It has involved the Prime Ministers. Ministers of Defence, DTI and other very senior politicians some of them have also been implicated in massive fraud and corruption which almost always extends into illegal arms dealings etc.

Gordon Bowden and I continue to attack those responsible for putting our country into this state of permanent war and who gainfully ignore the massive fraud (amounting to billions of pounds each and every year) despite all the forensic evidence provided. Below is the latest email sent to the same list of people in high places who never, repeat never, acknowledge receipt. Such is the arrogance of those people that we put in power i.e. our servants!!

Fw: HANSARD JUNE 22 1993 Starting from Column 197

Saturday, 25 June, 2011 12:20


Gordon Bowden



For your record.



—– Forwarded Message —-
From: gordon bowden
To: scotlandp@parliament.uk
Cc: chris.williamson.mp@parliament.uk; beckettm@parliament.uk; john.healey.mp@parliament.uk; feedback@peterlilley.co.uk; info@davidcameron.com; info@derbyconservatives.co.uk; info@derbylabourparty.co.uk; info@libdems.org.uk; fife_office@mingcampbell.org.uk; gordon bowden ; lucy.care@ntlworld.com; Sam Bamford
Sent: Sat, 25 June, 2011 11:29:14
Subject: HANSARD JUNE 22 1993 Starting from Column 197

Dear Baroness Scotland

So much for the honesty, integrity and trust to the British Public

of the RT HON LORDS, LADIES and VIP Politicians of the United Kingdom.

That you, along with the Cc recipients again be reminded to discharge your Public Service Duty of Care.

Subject: HANSARD JUNE 22 1993 from Column 197


As provided to myself, from a protected source, the forwarded communications to others, attached below and directly associated to all prior recorded communications to your and the Cc Recipients

It is recorded.

You have repeatedly failed, as requested in your Public legal Service Duty, directly in the Public Interest , to reply, respond or bring to Justice those so named in Public Government Office, identified in the correspondences forwarded to you by myself, this regarding the evidence of mass Conservative Party Fraud, theft, money laundering and associated to the “STOLEN” Conservative purchased 3 X 20kt Battlefield ready (ex ARMSCOR) Pelindaba, Pretoria Nuclear Bombs.

Overseen by and under the watch of DR DAVID KELLY.

To expose to Parliament and Police authorities, those so identified as Board Directors and aligned with the LONRHO Empire using over 300 AIM Registered FAKE, FRAUD, “VIRTUAL” OIL & GAS and MINERAL MINING, common Director Only CASH SHELL Companies, conducting Multi £billion Organised Crime, Corporate ASSET STRIPPING, Money laundering and Common Director Company “INSIDER TRADING” and using the proceeds of crime in financially funding and assisting the Conservative Party.

Protected by the Covert Network of KROLL and it’s subsidiaries their executives and employees


The 4 VIP Directors of:


Corporate address: 22 ARLINGTON STREET.LONDON SW1A 1RD.





Sponsored by affiliated to and aligned with: LONRHO

It is recorded.

You have failed as requested, in your Labour Party Government Position, to protect the citizens of the United Kingdom by disclose to Parliament, the legal statement details as disclosed by ex Senior Civil Servant and ex ARMS to IRAQ and INTELLIGENCE Advisor to the SELECT COMMITTEE OF THE DTI.

to ensure this evidence is presented to the ”OPEN” PUBLIC CHICOTT IRAQ INQUIRY.

To ensure The Recovery and protection, of ANY and ALL”Classified” “Secret” ARMS to IRAQ Documents, Files, Dossiers, Computer Files and Portable Hard drives seized and held by the Derbyshire Police seized by them on the 13/01/2010 in a raid by 13 Male Police headed by DC 1518 Stephen Winnard, and Police Dog squad on the North Wales property under a proceeds of crime order signed by Judge Burgess (Derby)

as Disclosed in the legal

Statement of:


Additional Copy of Statement (attached)

It is recorded.

That you, along with the Cc recipients are reminded of your legal Duty as PUBLIC SERVANTS, under the NUCLEAR EXPLOSIONS ACT that the forwarded information provided to you is discharged for comment and investigation for it’s accuracy of accusation and be disclosed in the Public Interest.

Failure to do so, is evidence of your individual, Political Party, Government Corruption to protect from criminal prosecution Lord Doug Hoyle, Margaret Beckett and others, known to the writer and as such are guilty of Treason to the United Kingdom Public by perverting the course of criminal Justice.

These communications with all attachments to yourself and Cc recipients have been duplicated, archived and held in many safe locations in the United Kingdom and offshore for further recall.

I ask you again Baroness Scotland, within your PUBLIC SERVICE REMIT, given the serious Political implications, that you acknowledge these communication and, within your Political remit, action the requests of disclosure within Parliament.


Mr Gordon Bowden

Communications as received from my source, Identity protected:

To: martin

Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2011 10:27 AM

Subject: You may find this of interest:

You may be unaware that there are three entirely different sets of rogue WMD in the present on-going cover-ups:-



ex-USAF SRAMs with plutonium warheads:-


Weekend Edition
July 30 / 31, 2005

CounterPunch Diary

Lost Nuclear Warheads from a B-52 Now in Iran?


Iran may have the weapons-grade uranium out of three nuclear warheads dumped out of a B-52 back in 1991.

The Octagonal Rotator in the rear bomb bay of the B-52g airplane had a carrying capacity for 8 in no. SRAMs with type W-69M warheads.


One of these , in an un-serviced state, was fizzle-exploded by N.Korea on 9th Oct 2006.

It enabled the CIA to do Lab analysis on the fallout and realise it had been one of their own.

There was no way that North Korea could have made Plutonium , it must have been imported.


North Korean Fuel Identified as Plutonium


Published: October 17, 2006

WASHINGTON, Oct. 16 — American intelligence agencies have concluded that North Korea’s test explosion last week was powered by plutonium that North Korea (allegedly) harvested from its small nuclear reactor, according to officials who have reviewed the results of atmospheric sampling since the blast.


-The B-52g airplane that was deployed to fly over Bagdad carrying Hydrogen bomb warheads , and that had to disengage having developed a catastrophic electrical fault.

The type W-69M warheads were heat-sensitive, and so with jet engines on fire it had to fly due south and dump its cargo on the narrow continental shelf off the coast of Somalia before turning to fly east in a failed attempt to reach DG.


No B-52Gs were lost as a result of enemy action. However, several were damaged.

One B-52G (59-2593) was lost on February 3 (1991) when it experienced a catastrophic electrical system failure while returning to its base at Diego Garcia.

While responding to the failure, improper fuel management on the part of the crew caused five engines to flame out, and the aircraft began to descend.

Three of the crewmembers ejected safely before the aircraft crashed into the Indian Ocean, but three others ejected too late and were killed.


Hiroshima style atomic bombs made by Armscor at Pelindaba in South Africa.

The prototype had been exploded:-


Prince Edward Island, Indian Ocean

Site of the suspected South African/Israeli nuclear test.

A United States Vela satellite detected the characteristic double flash of an atmospheric nuclear explosion on September 22, 1979.
(46.36°S, 37.57°E)

Thereafter the other nine in the inventory were secretly assembled.

The Uranium was mined in the Congo, it did NOT come from Israel.

A Batch of three out of those nine went astray during the first Gulf War and during a temporary stop-over in Oman.

The procurement of these atomic bombs under a false billing title, allowed over-billing on the UK Government.

That in turn allowed 17.8 millions pounds sterling to be laundered into UK Tory Party campaign coffers for the election that was inevitable for 1992.

To see the detail of that money laundering process….

On the UK Parliament website see ….Hansard for 22nd June 1993, and starting Col. 197.

We know the Insider who fed Doug Hoyle MP f the Labour Party the info to call for the House of Commons debate.

The UK project to have the atomic bombs in Oman there was administered by the DTI, not by the MoD, and eventhough a MoD purchase order was used.

Dr. David Kelly was tasked by the DTI with being the overseer for the shipment from SA to Oman.


VX-Gas made by Armscor at Roodeplaat.

Deadliest weapon : VX nerve gas


The technical know-how to make VX – Gas was given to Dr. Wouter Basson of Armscor in 1985 during visits to Porton Down in the UK , and by Dr. David Kelly on instruction from Whitehall .

All stocks were later stolen and sold-off overseas - Iraq and probably Libya.

VX- Gas can be deployed 32 miles from the target using a G-5 Howitzer made by Armscor.

eg on a Black Township in SA, hence it being a Blacks-only nerve gas agent.

Alternatively VX-Gas can be deployed by feeding it into the tail pipe gasses from a jet engine when the airplane is flying over the target area.

End of communication from Gordon

Next time you hear of a company closing down, or a bank getting into difficulty and thousands of workers loosing their jobs and their homes please keep in mind what has caused this decline!

Next time you hear of massive public sector cutbacks in the NHS, Local Councils, Old Peoples Homes and Critical Care or essential services then remember who is causing this!

So we are back where we started…..The Chilcot Inquiry……Is it going to be another dead duck?…….You bet it will be!!

Maybe you are thinking that we have seen as much as you can take……well my friends be forewarned that there is much more still to come…….remember the world financial meltdown was not an accident….it was a well orchestrated plan by the New World Order to push forward their own imperialistic greed. We are about to see more countries go under i.e. Greece, Ireland, Portugal have already gone and next could be Spain and Italy….but that’s not the end of it……..we see the US in Debt to over $15 trillion and now in a totally unsustainable position. We see the UK also in an extremely difficult position that could go either way and we see this onset of war after war which is plunging our countries into a position we may not be able to come out of.

There is still another “Financial Tsunami” to come that will be even greater than the first and this is likely to start very soon…….they talk about Greece being unable to make its deficit payments but no one thinks of the US being in the same position……believe me it will happen and then there is the “Sleeping Dragon of China” that may well find itself in a similar position with massive overseas spending.

Unless China can recover some of that outlay such as that invested in the US it could itself become a victim of the same game……..obviously the US would like to see the economy of China collapse and see its own economy move forward but this is never going to happen. The US, UK, France, Germany and the rest of NATO is hell bent on war in Libya, with Syria, Yemen and Iran still on the cards. By their actions alone we will see more unrest with the peoples of the EU, Middle East, Central Asia and Africa etc being forced into more poverty as oil prices rise and commodity prices spiral out of control.

It is time to take our country back from the talons of these evil people and fully understand that there is no terrorism threat to the west……its all part of their “Mass Hysteria Master Plan”……..terrorism lies within our own governments and the main centre lies right here in dear old London (the true axis of evil).

Rather sad don’t you think?

Peter Eyre – Middle East Consultant – 26/6/2011 www.eyreinternational.wordpress.com